Chair of Systematic Theology
Edinburgh Theological Seminary

Author, Speaker and Broadcaster

Scotland Region Team Leader

Former Regional Team Leader
UCCF Scotland

Scottish Bible Society

Former Director of Scotland
Evangelical Alliance

Former Training Director
Christianity Explored Ministries

The Filling Station Trust

Chair of Trustees 2007-2020
Free Church of Scotland

General Director
Baptist Union of Scotland

Alpha Scotland

Emeritus Professor of Mathematics
University of Oxford

Open Doors UK & Ireland

Writer and speaker

Evangelist & Writer

Head of Evangelical Alliance Scotland

European Leadership Forum

Director & Evangelist
Speak Life

Moderator 2019-2020
Church of Scotland

Assistant Professor of Apologetics
Houston Baptist University

Pastor of Emmanuel Bristol
Ministry Director with Living Out

Senior Pastor
Emmanuel Church Brighton

Chair of Trustees
Precept Ministries UK

Tyndale House Cambridge

Head of Evangelism
Emmaus Rd

October 2023 – Solas mourns the passing of Andy Bathgate, former CEO of Scripture Union Scotland amongst other roles, and a member of this Council of Reference.