
Have You Ever Wondered If Christmas Is More Than A Fairytale?

As the nights grow dark and the mercury drops in the thermometer, it’s a good excuse to curl up on the sofa and watch your favourite Christmas movie.

What is it that we love about the most popular Christmas movies?  Perhaps it’s because they contain a message resonates with the deepest desires of our hearts.  For example think of the message in …

  • “It’s A Wonderful Life”: hope outlasts despair
  • “Love Actually”: love overcomes all obstacles
  • “Die Hard”: good defeats evil

Although these films are fiction, we all want to believe such things are possible in fact.  And the good news is that all these things – and more – have come true in the birth of Jesus Christ that we celebrate at Christmas.  The Christmas Nativity isn’t just another feel-good but made-up story; it’s ‘based on true events’.

However, for some people it’s hard to take seriously the reality of the Nativity.  The scene of the divine son of God born in human form, lying in the manger, watched over by His virgin mother, visited by shepherds to whom the birth was announced by a choir of angels from the realms of glory, and later presented with gifts by the three kings from the orient – all of these events happening under a new blazing light in the heavens.  It’s a beautiful and wonderful story, but is it just that: a made up fairy tale?  Can we who live in the advanced 21st century world still believe in God, angels and a miracle baby born to a virgin?

Before answering that question, let me tell you about my favourite Christmas movie: A Miracle on 34th Street.  It tells the story of a little girl who doesn’t believe in Santa Claus.  Her broken-hearted divorced mother has raised her that way, not wanting her to grow up believing in things (like Santa or Real Love) only to end up disappointed when she discovers they don’t exist.  However, all that begins to change when she meets a wonderful, kind, old man called Kris Kringle.  He makes her start to question whether Santa might exist after all and be incarnate in the person of Kris Kringle.

To cut a long story short, to avoid being confined to a mental hospital for the rest of his life, Kris Kringle must prove in court that he is in fact Santa Claus.  For example, the authorities challenge him to prove it by bringing in a reindeer and making it fly – but Kringle explains that’s impossible because they only fly on Christmas Eve.  It all seems hopeless.  But at the last possible moment, as the judge is about to rule against Kringle, the little girl gives him a Christmas card with a dollar bill inside it.  She has circled on it the words “In God we trust”.  Inspired by this, the judge announces that if the government can believe on the basis of faith, that God exists, then also the court can believe without evidence that Santa exists in the person of Kris Kringle.  Everyone celebrates and the story ends happily ever after.

However, I’m troubled by the writers equating Santa with God – and relegating God to the category of things that people believe in the absence of supporting evidence.  Essentially this film assumes that people who believe in God are guilty of wishful thinking.  Although, to be honest, most secular people think the same way about religious people.

Our secular society thinks that way because we’re following in the footsteps of sceptics like the famous psychologist Sigmund Freud, who explained away religion as wish fulfilment.  He dismisses religion as the projection of our desire for a father-figure to take care of us and protect us in the midst of the uncertainties and difficulties of life in this world.

However, it’s not only people who believe in God who can be accused of wishful thinking.  Perhaps those who claim to be atheists or agnostics have their own subconscious wishful desire for there to be not to be a God, who has a will for our lives and to whom we will have to give an account for how we live.

All this to say that the wishful thinking criticism cannot take us very far.  It cuts both ways – against both believers and non-believers in God.

Instead, what makes Christianity different from all the other belief systems and religions of the world, is that it doesn’t begin with us, our thoughts and wishes.  Instead it begins outside of us, with things that really happened in history at the first Christmas.

We find the story of the first Christmas Nativity in Luke’s gospel.  It was written by someone who carefully investigated and researched, speaking to the living eyewitnesses and gathering the evidence about Jesus.  Still to this day it is a highly respected ancient historical source.

“In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. This was the first registration when Quirinius was governor of Syria. And all went to be registered, each to his own town. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the town of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, to be registered with Mary, his betrothed, who was with child. And while they were there, the time came for her to give birth. And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.”

Notice that Luke, acting as a historian, is careful to record for us a series of facts about the First Christmas…

Firstly he records the WHEN of Jesus’ birth.  This isn’t a made up fictional story that begins with the words: “Once upon a time”.  No this story begins during the global reign of Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus and the local administration of Governor Quirinius.  Approximately, according to our modern calendars, this dates to around the year 4BC.

Secondly he records the WHERE of Jesus’ birth.  This story isn’t set “A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away”.  Instead it took place in the little town of Bethlehem – a satellite village a few miles outside of the capital city of Jerusalem in the land of Israel.  He wasn’t born in a royal palace, or in a swanky hotel, but in a place used for keeping animals.

Thirdly he records the HOW of Jesus’ birth.  Luke tells us the familiar story re-enacted in countless school and church Nativity plays.  We’re meant to notice that there was nothing ordinary about the birth of this child.  In an earlier passage, Luke recorded how his mother was a virgin who conceived a child by the supernatural power of God.  The Spirit of God was working in Mary’s empty womb, preparing a body for the Son of God to inhabit and be born into this world.  In a later passage, Luke records how angels appeared to the locals, announcing the birth of Jesus and inviting them to come worship Him.

The only lingering question that this leaves us with is WHY was Jesus born?  And the answer is LOVE!

The Nativity is a part of God’s great love story for the people of this world.  The tragic part of this story is that God’s love is an unrequited loved.  Within each of our hearts there is a deep suspicion and lack of fondness for God.  We resent the idea that we owe God our allegiance and appreciation.  We reject God as the giver of our lives and the author of the story of this world.  Instead, we have stolen the divine author’s pen and insisted on writing on own script for life and being the author of our own destiny.  The Bible calls this sin.  Sadly, through sin, we’ve made a mess of ourselves and left a trail of misery across the pages of history.

Nevertheless, because God still loves us, He has written himself into the story of this world, to begin putting things right again.  Seeing the confusion and chaos, the misery and meaningless, the injustice and inhumanity, Jesus stepped down into this world -becoming one of us – suffering as one of us – dying on the Cross for us and our sins – and history records the fact of His rising again from the grave demonstrating that evil and death need not have the last word in our story.  That’s not wishful thinking.  It’s true!

That was the life changing discovery of C.S. Lewis, while out one night walking with his Christian friend J.R.R. Tolkien (the author of The Lord of the Rings saga).  Lewis was one of the leading thinkers of the era and a professor at Oxford University.  His area of specialist study was medieval literature, but his deepest passion was ancient mythology.  He experienced a conflict between his head and heart, reason and desire: “all that I loved I believed to be imaginary; nearly all that I believed to be real I thought grim and meaningless”.   But all that changed on this nighttime stroll along Addison’s Walk in Oxford. 

Discussing Christianity and mythology, Lewis asserted that the gospel story of the dying and rising Jesus was like the other myths: “lies breathed through silver”.  However, Tolkien replied: “they’re not all lies”.  Instead, Lewis came to realise that evening that Christianity is “the true myth” – “the one that really happened”.  That realisation changed his life and destiny forever.  And it can change yours too this Christmas, if you are willing to believe it too.

Launch Pad 52: The Joy of Carol Singing

Welcome to the final Launch Pad article, we hope they’ve been useful and fruitful. We don’t anticipate that anyone will have been able to do all 52 challenges: things like sport, art, or writing will suit different people. What we do hope is that you are becoming  bolder, clearer and more visible in your witness for Jesus!

Underlying Launch Pad is a firm resistance to the pressure we face from secular society to ‘privatise our faith’. No-one minds if we think Christian thoughts, read Christian books or sing Christian songs in our own homes or in church; the challenge of evangelism is to live all our life for Jesus and find ways of showing the world who he is, and what he means to us.

Our last suggestion for a way to get the gospel outside the four walls of the church is to engage in some good old-fashioned carol-singing. To go out into the public arena and openly declare the praises of Jesus is a great thing to do. Carol singing provides us with one of the few culturally understood ways of doing that! And many of these well-known songs contain the gospel.

So try following:

  • Pray!
  • Chose a venue and get permission. Town centres are great, old people’s homes often welcome them, and one church we know sings outside Tesco’s every December. Failing that, if you can muster a good crowd, then local neighbourhoods have also been used: people will come out of their homes to listen!
  • You’ll need a musician to keep you in tune. An acoustic guitar is easiest (electric instruments can be limited by access to a power source).
  • Bring printed lyrics sheets—not everyone knows the words!
  • A quick run-though is a great bonus so that you are all together.
  • Create a festive atmosphere with ‘Light of the world’ balloons, and church-flyers and chocolates to hand out (check that the venue are OK with these things). Be ready to chat to passers-by.
  • Invite anyone who wants to join in the singing to tag-along!
  • Go out and sing, and really worship the Lord with all your heart, publicly declaring His praise with gusto!

“O Come Let Us Adore Him, Christ the Lord!”

Pray: Lord we love you. Help us to tell the world! Amen

Previously: Launch Pad #51

Spotlight on Jesus

Sharing Jesus with conviction and compassion

“He looked at me and said ‘I hate Christians! You Christians are anti-women, anti-science, anti-progress, anti-gay, anti-transgender, anti-environment’… I found myself praying ‘Lord, what on earth do I say?’.”

How would you respond to someone who hates everything about Christianity? Watch below to find out how Andy replied, and hear his practical advice on having better conversations about Jesus. 

What do we know about the real Jesus?

It all started for me with historical questions about Jesus when I was a teenager, questioning things I was hearing and asking what it was credible to believe…that is where it began for me.”

What evidence is there for the life of Jesus and can we trust it? Gavin Matthews speaks to theologian David Wenham about one of the most important questions of all.

[Back to the page menu]

How to talk about Jesus without looking like an idiot – Why should I believe the resurrection of Jesus?

During lockdown, Gavin Matthews and Andy discussed how to speak about Jesus without looking foolish.  

Steve looks at the central claim of Christianity: that Jesus rose from the dead. Can we really believe that in our modern scientific world?

[Back to the page menu]

A short book for those wanting to explore the evidence behind the Christmas story.

A comprehensive introduction for those wanting to know more about who Jesus was.

A best-selling book by an investigative journalist exploring whether or not the accounts of Jesus are true.

A new picture of how to understand who Jesus was and how Christians can relate to him today.

An in-depth look at the history and influence of Jesus over time.

[Back to the page menu]

Other resources

From resolute agnosticism to Jesus: Derek’s story

Derek McIntyre on how unbelief led him on a unexpected spiritual journey ending in an encounter with Christ. 

Talking Jesus: What do British people think of Jesus?

Historian Rachel Jordan-Wolf explains what research tells us about the spiritual state of the country today. 

A beginner’s guide to arguments from the life of Jesus

What are the main basic facts that we know about Jesus and what conclusions can we draw from them?

[Back to the page menu]


What Does Christianity Have to Offer Me?

In this short video, Steve Osmond explores what different worldviews have to offer, and how Christianity offers better answers to the main questions of life. But there’s so much more – a restored relationship with our Creator!


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Short Answers is a viewer-supported video series: if you enjoy them, please help us continue to make them by donating to Solas. Visit our Donate page and choose a free book as a thank-you gift!

Launch Pad 51: Hold A Carol Service

On a cold December evening I made my way to speak at an old church building. I was there early to get set up, and the hall was quiet. The string quartet and choir arrived and began to warm up. The hall felt big and empty, and there was a small voice inside my that whispered doubtful thoughts – “would anyone really come to a carol service in the middle of the week?” I anticipated a small turn out, probably only of die-hard Christians with nothing else to do.

How wrong I was!

It’s fascinating how music continues to be something that can bring people together – the joy that it brings and the deep emotions that it can stir. What fascinates me even more is that in our post-Christian society the idea of singing carols is still something that gets people excited – so much so that they would brave a cold, dark winters night.

A few minutes before the event began, I’d had my head down for a few moments, being distracted as I read through the lyrics on the sheets that had been passed around. Turning to see the crowd my eyes lit up. The venue was almost completely full, and only a few seats at the very back were open. As surprising as that was, I was even more astonished to see that the majority of the chairs were occupied not by silver heads, but a range of other, more youthful, colours.

The local university Christian Union has organised the carol service and advertised it to the public, and had also invited their university friends. We sang some great old carols, and then I shared a simple message about the Christian hope – a message that many of the people there had never heard before. After the event there were mince pies and hot drinks for all, and I had some great conversations with several people who weren’t Christians, but had come along and really enjoyed the evening, and said they would be keen to come to another church event to hear more.

The organisers were not professional event planners, or musicians – just a group of willing and enthusiastic students! Why not arrange a carol service with an evangelistic message for the people of your community? Solas can help you with some ideas, or perhaps provide a speaker.

Prayer: “Please direct me as I look to share the light of the Gospel in my community”

Previously: Launch Pad #50 Christmas Gift Wrapping Service

Next: Launch Pad #52 The Joy of Carol Singing coming soon!

With Darin and Joy Stevens

“So what? Who cares?” the battle cries of the apathetic ring out from the young (and not-so-young) people of the UK. It seems today the conversation for winning souls needs to start by convincing people they’ve got souls in the first place! As Christians, what can we do to stir up spiritual curiosity and show that Jesus really matters for everyone?

With Darin and Joy Stevens PEP Talk

Our Guests

Darin and Joy Stevens recently launched Start to Stir, which exists to help Christians share faith in a culture that is largely indifferent towards faith and God.  Fuelled by their over twenty years experience working with youth from outside the church, and training youth ministry students at ForMission College, they want to help everyday Christians learn how to stir curiosity in the gospel.  Their first tool, the Stir Course, is already being used in over 200 churches and schools across the country.

About PEP Talk

The Persuasive Evangelism Podcast aims to equip listeners to share their faith more effectively in a sceptical world. Each episode, Andy Bannister (Solas) and Kristi Mair (Oak Hill College) chat to a guest who has a great story, a useful resource, or some other expertise that helps equip you to talk persuasively, winsomely, and engagingly with your friends, colleagues and neighbours about Jesus.

Launch Pad 50: Christmas Wrapping Service!

How do we make low-key, friendly contact with people outside the church and initiate conversations that will lead to Jesus? One survey suggested that half the adult population of the UK have no contact whatsoever with a church, which means they are beyond the reach of the invitations we normally distribute either in person, or online.

One church in Birmingham struck on a brilliantly innovative idea to help them meet new people, in a positive way. In the run-up to Christmas, they set up a free gift-wrapping service in the centre of their city!

They assembled:

  • A small team of cheerful volunteers
  • A few tables
  • A sound system with festive tunes
  • A mile of wrapping paper
  • A few hundred metres of ribbon and hundreds of bows
  • A large box of Sellotape
  • Hundreds of gift labels
  • Scissors
  • Some “Free Gift Wrapping” signs

They got permission from the local council, informed the police and on the Saturday before Christmas, got to work. Their aim was to bless as many people as possible and answer any questions that people had. As word got out that there was a free gift-wrapping service going on, it became really popular.

The majority of reactions were very positive too.

Shopkeepers (including the ones they bought the stationary supplies from) were encouraging. Many high streets are struggling, and any kind of community ‘value-add’ to the shopping experience is always welcomed.

Shoppers too were delighted that they were being offered a hand. Hearing that the gift-wrapping service was being done by a church, they assumed that it was a fundraiser for restoring a cathedral, and that the ubiquitous thermometer-style fundraising display would soon be working its way up the bell-tower!

On discovering that this church wanted to give to them, rather than get something from them, several shoppers were stunned and said: “Really, why?” “God has blessed us, and we want to bless you”, the volunteers said. That naturally led to conversations about the real meaning of Christmas—about a “God who gave his one and only son”.

For some church members, their best conversations about Jesus in years—and the most invitations they gave out to people to church—all came about because of a free Christmas present wrapping service!

How can your church bless strangers at Christmas?

Pray: Lord, please make us a blessing to those around us this Christmas! Amen.

Previously: Launchpad # 49 Host a Course like Alpha or Christianity Explored

Next: Launchpad #52 Hold a Carol Service

Launch Pad 49: Host a Course like Alpha or Christianity Explored

With interest surging in spiritual matters generally, and Christianity in particular, it’s a great time to consider running a ‘seekers course’, like Alpha or Christianity Explored. These create the ideal setting for people to meet informally over food and explore more about what Christianity is. Guests can experience Christian hospitality and community, ask their questions and contribute their ideas too. These courses also give people the opportunity to respond to Jesus themselves, without any pressure or expectation. Over the years, countless people, who were not yet ready to go to church, have found them a safe place in which to encounter Jesus.

Gordy, who has run both CE and Alpha said: “The beauty of these courses is that if you can operate a TV you can run a course, it is so simple!” Both CE and Alpha offer straightforward advice on using their materials. He says that running them regularly is a great way to make sure that when anyone is interested in Jesus there’s always something to invite them to! He loves handing out invites at the parent and toddler groups, Christmas services and community BBQs the church hosts.

One woman asked her local church if she could have her baby baptised. They are a Baptist Church who don’t baptise infants, but rather than turn her away, they invited her to Alpha as a way of exploring the meaning of Christianity. A year later, after putting her faith in Christ, she was baptised and her daughter was dedicated!

Hosting a course is a commitment of time, prayer and hospitality but the evenings you invest could be ones that God uses to change someone’s life—for eternity! Some people feel at ease in a home, others in a church, others in a café, so be flexible. Get the materials, get praying and invite people to come.  As well as Alpha, Gordy’s church is also planning the Hope Explored course—a short, three-week course to invite the people they connect with at Christmas to come to. Likewise, when one Alpha group bonded closely but weren’t ready for church, they stayed together and did the Discipleship Explored course!

Pray: Lord, use us to reach people with the good news of Jesus. Help me to use the best resources and hospitality to love, welcome and introduce people to you. Amen

Previously: Launch Pad #48 Run a Creative Outreach Event

Next: Launch Pad #50 A Christmas Gift-wrapping Service

Whitby Bible School

This past weekend I had the opportunity to teach at Whitby Bible School hosted by Whitby
Evangelical Church.

It’s an annual Bible school weekend aimed at young adults from 18 to around 30 years old,
where people from several evangelical churches come together for a weekend of fellowship
and teaching. This year the organisers wanted to do an apologetics track to speak about
some of the big questions that regularly come up with that age group, to better equip them
for sharing the Gospel, as well as to build them up in their faith more.

Speaking to a room of around 30 young adults, I had the opportunity to do 4 sessions with
Q&A time after each. The talk titles were: True for you but not for me: How to have
conversations about faith in an age of relativism, Can God & Science co-exist?, Blindfolds
and crutches: Is faith in God is just an emotional crutch, or is there good reason for it?, and
Can happiness last?

This was my first time in Whitby, and although the streets were filled with pirates – quite
literally – I look forward to visiting again, and especially to see our friends at Whitby
Evangelical Church again soon.

It’s really encouraging to have the opportunity to speak at events like this where people are
hungry to learn more as a way to be more effective in sharing their faith, but also as living
out what they believe as disciples of Jesus.

PEP Talk with Simon Guillebaud

Bringing an African perspective to PEP Talk today powerfully reminds us of the spiritual and experiential realities that we often minimise in our Western culture. With wonderful enthusiasm and amazing stories, get inspired by the host of the Inspired podcast as Simon Guillebaud chats with Andy and Kristi.

Check out the Jesus At The Door app here. Or search “Jesus at the door” on your app store.

With Simon Guillebaud PEP Talk

Our Guest

Simon Guillebaud MBE, spent two decades living in war-torn Central Africa, and speaks out of that context with raw urgency and passion for the last, the lost and the least. He’s the Founder of Great Lakes Outreach, host of the popular ‘Inspired’ podcast, author of the award-winning book Choose Life, and travels widely stirring up the Church for radical discipleship. His wife Lizzie and he live in Bath with their three teenage children.

About PEP Talk

The Persuasive Evangelism Podcast aims to equip listeners to share their faith more effectively in a sceptical world. Each episode, Andy Bannister (Solas) and Kristi Mair (Oak Hill College) chat to a guest who has a great story, a useful resource, or some other expertise that helps equip you to talk persuasively, winsomely, and engagingly with your friends, colleagues and neighbours about Jesus.

Launch Pad 48: Run A Creative Outreach Event

The creative arts are a great way to connect with people and share the gospel.  Hosting an artistic event yourself allows greater control of the agenda and more gospel content to be shared.

One church held a week of concentrated outreach into their city. In order to engage creative people, they held a photography competition. They used the gently Christian theme ‘images of the cross in everyday life’ which they cheekily entitled “Rood Awakenings”. They advertised the event around photographic clubs, and enticed people through significant prizes to submit entries in categories such as ‘local images’, ‘phone cameras’, and ‘young photographers’. It led to a great evening, connecting with lots of non-church people, many for the first time.

Running a good exhibition and awards evening at church or a neutral venue, is a really important part of doing this well. Consider the following:

  • Pray!
  • Curate the images well, make viewing them either in print or digitally a really positive experience. Don’t just display the winners, but include all the entries on a rolling PowerPoint.
  • Offer refreshments, background music and friendly conversation.
  • Make the prize-giving really enjoyable. Experience shows that you might get entries from children taking their first images, and from semi-professionals creating powerful art. So be generous, as well as honouring excellence.
  • Use the evening to engage photographers.
    Get a really good photographer to give out the prizes, and do a short talk on an aspect of photography.
  • Use the evening to present the gospel.
    If your photographer isn’t able to do that, ask a church leader, or invite a Solas speaker The ‘argument from beauty’, forms a very natural bridge from art to the gospel, as you can see here and here.
  • Make sure there is some follow-up in place for guests who want to find out more. Make sure invitations to Alpha, Christianity Explored (or whatever your church uses to help newcomers explore the faith) are given to everyone. The church that ran the photography competition also established a monthly “Coffee and Cameras” club to continue to get alongside local photographers.
  • Other art-forms are available, use your congregation’s interests, skills and talents!

Pray: Lord, give me the courage to be creative in sharing the gospel, the courage to give this a try and the words to share your message, Amen.

Previously: Launchpad #47 Take A Stand

Next: Launchpad #49 Host A Course Like Alpha or Christianity Explored

Human Rights?

If you like your philosophy, theology and ethics dissected rigorously – then Meic Pearce’s “Why the Rest hates the West”. In this episode, Andy Bannister joined Meic and Koelle Campo to talk rights, responsibilities and much more. You can see the whole episode above. Meic was one of Andy’s lecturers at London Bible College and they have some interesting intellectual jousting here. It’s a very enjoyable watch.