Solas Articles
Thought-provoking writing from some of the best Christian thinkers of the day. Best read with a warm beverage in hand…

A response to Reza Aslan’s “Zealot”

A Beginner’s Guide to the ‘Best-fit’ Argument: Part One

Solas Recommends: "Thank God for Western Values"

Book: A Better Story: God, Sex & Human Flourishing

A Beginner’s Guide to the Argument from Contingency

A Beginner's Guide to Apologetics: Introduction

Everyday is an Adventure: Dez’s Story

As a New Year beckons…

Engaging with Pullman, Part Five: Pullman on Alienation and the Argument from Desire

Engaging with Pullman, Part Four: Dust and the Signals of Transcendence

Christmas Past, Present and Future

Engaging with Pullman, Part Three: Pullman on God and the Church

Book: Come and Behold Him, Christmas Through Different Eyes