Solas Articles
Thought-provoking writing from some of the best Christian thinkers of the day. Best read with a warm beverage in hand…

Have You Ever Wondered Why Are Humans Drawn to Beauty?

Have You Ever Wondered What God Thinks of You?

Mike D’Virgilio, “Uninvented: Why the Bible Could Not be Made Up, and the Evidence that Proves It”

Have you ever wondered why we crave money knowing it’s not the answer?

Jesus in Context – in Conversation with Dr David Wenham

Have You Ever Wondered Why We Preserve The Past?

Have You Ever Wondered Why Humans Are Attracted To The Spiritual?

Frontlines EXTRA! The University Lecturer

First we are worshippers!

Book: Proving Ground by Graham Hooper

Have You Ever Wondered Why Black Lives Matter?

Atheist says Queen’s funeral was ‘empty and platitudinous’. I disagree.

Have you ever wondered why music has the power to move us?