It’s been really exciting to be involved with Scripture Union Scotland’s “Equip” programme. This is big event they hold regularly in Edinburgh, aimed at S4-6’s, which is 16-18year olds, roughly. Each night, they invite a speaker and take a ‘hot-topic’ that Christians in schools often face and then equip the kids on it. They’ve had everything from “How Can I Trust the Bible?” to how to respond to Atheist friends, to questions around sexuality – all the hot-button topics of today.
Solas has been heavily involved in “Equip”, which has been a huge privilege. My colleague David Robertson did an earlier session for them and then I spoke more recently on the question of “God and Suffering”. We will be involved in one of the forthcoming “Equip” sessions too, when myself and David Hutchings will be doing a ‘team-tag’ approach to the issues around God and Science. David is an amazing Christian speaker and writer, who is coming up from York for this.
Equip is a really great event! We get anywhere up to 100 really enthusiastic young people, who come because they really want to share their faith at school and know that they will face some of these questions. They are really, really keen to learn. I was hugely impressed by the quality of the questions I was asked when I led the evening on “God and Suffering“. One of the mistakes the church makes is that we ignore this age-group. We think all they need is pizza and videos, rather than realising that these guys really want to engage with serious issues and big questions. They are thinking, they are sharp, they are evangelising, and it was a real privilege to be a resource for them.