Gavin and the Chatty Chappies

A few months ago I was invited to appear as a guest on the Chatty Chappies radio show, which goes out on Heartsong FM in the Glasgow area. I had known Brian, the presenter, years ago when he lived in the Perth area – and he invited me on the programme initially after he had read Have You Ever Wondered? That book, looks at all sorts of questions that people are asking today, such as those surrounding love, beauty, truth, justice, the environment, suffering, music, and gently suggests that these are all ultimately ‘God-questions’ which point to him. Brian was intrigued, and invited me on the show. In the programme itself he did mention the book a few times but also asked about a whole range of other things too, about Solas, the state of the church and more. It was a really enjoyable conversation which was captured on YouTube, because Heartsong doesn’t have a ‘listen-again’ archive.

Heartsong is available online here. Brian and Andrew, the Chatty Chappies themselves, have a page here. And Have You Ever Wondered? can be found by clicking here.