Kirkliston Community Church is a thriving fellowship on the east side of Edinburgh, very close to the airport. If you have ever flown into Edinburgh you will have got a birds eye view of the town as you have come into land! The church was planted our from one of the large city centre churches many years ago, and as grown, as has the town. Clive Parnell is the Teaching and Development Pastor there, and someone who has been a recent guest on our PEPtalk podcast.
Kirkliston Community Church is a really active, and highly engaged church which is looking to bring the gospel relevently, ccreatively and faithfully to the people of their town. They regularly hold breakfast events on Saturday mornings, when they get together to eat, share fellowship and to think together about their mission. Folks from outside the church often join them too.
I had the privilege of joining them for their “Big Breakfast” event recently. One of the sessions I do at Solas events is called “Jesus and the Questions of the Age” which looks at the changing nature of the questions we get asked in mission, some research into our culture – and some biblical answers to those questions. In fact, we land on the way that the gospel itself has compelling and beautiful answers to ‘the questions of our age’.
I have done this session in a variety of contexts – often in a very shortened form. KCC gave me a whole hour – which meant we could dig more deeply into the subject and have some discussion and Q&A time – and actually give the subject the time it deserved. The whole morning was filmed and it avalable to watch (below), and as you can see there were some really thoughtful questions in the Q&A at the end too.
If these kinds of training events might be useful for your church, please do contact us, we work with churches of all kinds, all sizes and right across the UK – and would be delighted to come to your fellowship too.