Launch Pad 29: Questions at the pub

Time and time again, it’s been shown that creating spaces where people can ask their honest questions about faith is a powerful way to share the gospel; not something churches have always been good at.

However, one village church in Cheshire put on a Q&A night in their local village pub. The pub had no function room, so they reserved a corner of the main bar (which had the advantage that even more people saw the event). They booked a Solas speaker to come and do a very short pump-priming talk on ‘If There’s a God, Why is the World So Messed Up?’ and Christians began to invite their friends.

“It was so easy to ask my colleague to come!” one church member said. “All I had to do was invite them to the pub for a drink. It was the easiest ask ever!”  On the night, about 20 people turned up, half of whom were not Christians; and there were some great questions and significant conversations. Not a bad turnout at all for a tiny village church!

Another church we know started a weekly event called “Table 5 at the Dog and Duck”. They spread the word that every Monday night, the pastor would be at the pub next door to the church, and people could come for a chat and ask any question they liked. Within a few months, it had become a really popular event—with so many people coming that the pub gave the pastor his beer for free!

Some keys to making these kind of events work …

  1. Pray: before you start planning, during the planning, before the event, and afterwards.
  2. Find a neutral venue (this is why pubs and cafes are so excellent).
  3. Chat to the landlord or the owner and book the venue. (You may need to pay a small fee, or guarantee a certain amount of sales on the night).
  4. Invite a speaker if you need one. But sometimes you can just do Q&A.
  5. Have follow up ready (Alpha, Christianity Explored etc.)
  6. Don’t be afraid of questions. With practice it gets easier, and there are great resources to help you.

Pray: Jesus, help us to welcome not just questions but especially questioners—and to be bold in reaching out beyond the doors of the church. Amen!

Previously: Launch Pad #28 Blog Your Testimony!

Next: Launch Pad #30 Invite a Well-Known Christian to Give Their Testimony