Launch Pad 32: When I Survey

People love to talk about themselves. Enjoying sharing our story with others is a natural part of being human. Thus the more that we take an interest in somebody else—in their lives, their interests, their beliefs—the more they will probably take an interest in us. And there’s a gospel opportunity right there.

Solas Director Andy Bannister has spent years engaging Muslims with the gospel. He has found that a great way to start conversations with Muslims is to ask about their faith. “So you’re a Muslim? What do you believe?” And after asking follow up questions, there’s a natural opportunity to say “I’m a Christian: some of what we believe is similar, but there are also some big differences too …”

To explore in a more structured way what a friend, family member, or neighbour believes, you could try using a worldview survey. Now if that sounds a bit technical, don’t panic! A “worldview” is the set of assumptions that somebody has about reality. It’s the basic beliefs they bring to their choices, decisions, values and more. But people rarely notice their worldview in the same way we rarely notice the air we breathe.

You can open up somebody’s worldview with questions like these:

  • Do you think there’s a God? And if so, what is God like?
  • What does it mean to be human?
  • What’s gone wrong with the world?
  • What’s the solution?

You could ask these questions informally (like the conversations Andy has with Muslims). Or you could do a more formal survey: some churches have used surveys like these in door-to-door visiting. Other churches have gone out on their local streets and surveyed people (just be polite if people don’t want to stop and talk—not everybody appreciates a questioner with a clipboard!)

On an evangelism course he has taught for years, Andy sets students an assignment to survey a friend or family member with these questions. He says that in many cases, the survey started a much bigger conversation about the gospel. The survey broke the ice (“I’m doing a course and need to ask somebody a few questions; would you help?”) and then things really took off. Because once you’ve asked these four questions and listened well, your friend will often ask: “So what do you think?”

Prayer: Lord, please help me to take an interest in others! Amen

Previously: Launch Pad #31 Give Away A Book!

Next: Launch Pad #33 Invite a Christian band to play in your community or home