Launch Pad 33: Invite a Christian band to play in your community or home

I love watching live bands. For many years I played bass in a rock band and one of the things I loved most was watching other bands play when we were out gigging. I’ve seen hundreds of great bands…and many not-so-great bands too! My experience, is that time and again music has an amazing way of bringing people together and breaking down barriers that may otherwise exist. Sometimes it can be tough to find the right words to say what we mean, but then we hear a song, with its heart warming and stirring melody, which expresses so well what we’re feeling –  and it resonates with the longings of our heart. Music has a way of going straight to our soul.

So why not use music as a way to reach out to your non-Christian friends?

The Gospel is the most beautiful message ever written, and since the earliest days Christians have been capturing that beauty in music and song. Today there are hundreds of amazing Christian artists out there making music to the glory of God and clearly singing about Jesus – and guess what, it even sounds good.

So, why not organise an event where you invite a good Christian band – and invite those from your community to come along and listen? This could be at the local town hall, the local café or pub, or even in your home. Spice things up and throw in some food and drinks – make it fun, and, importantly ask the band to explain the meaning behind the songs here and there. Let the band know that you want the event to be a space where the truth of God’s love, and why it matters, is clearly presented.

While the band is taking a break, speak to those who’ve come along and ask them what they’ve thought about the music and the message that was shared. This will lead to some really good conversations that go past the surface level and on to important spiritual things. Then, offer a way of follow up for those who are interested. That could be a book, a tract, a course, or a copy of the band’s CD with the lyrics printed on the inner sleeve, or an invitation to a church event!

Prayer: “Thank you for the gift of music. Help me use it to share your love with others”

Previously: Launch Pad 32 When I Survey

Next: Launch Pad 34 Hold a Sports Outreach Event