Launch Pad 35: Become a Local Mission Volunteer

Have you ever got the end of a slightly-below-par Netflix series that didn’t quite live up to its billing? Have you ever thought that the time that you spent gazing into the screen could have been invested for eternity instead? Your local mission organisation is the bridge that can turn such aspirations into action.

Many Christians would love to be involved in mission, but just don’t know where to start. Part of the problem is that pioneers and innovators are biographized and celebrated but we often forget that the kingdom of God is mostly advanced by ordinary foot-soldiers not famous generals! Sharing the gospel might not be impossible or complicated as you think. Just have a look around your town, see what God is already doing, and join in.

One friend of Solas signed up as a volunteer with Prison Fellowship. He gives up a couple of hours every week and gained endless opportunities to share the gospel. Each week he meets people who need the hope, forgiveness  and restoration Christ brings. Edinburgh City Mission are looking for volunteers to work in their foodbanks whilst London City Mission need help in their day centre for the homeless. Christians Against Poverty have debt centres all over the country and need volunteers to befriend and support their clients. These befrienders have many opportunities to pray with, and share the love of Christ.

Volunteering with an established mission takes most of the difficulty out of getting started in evangelism. You don’t have to have innovative ideas, set up a charity, or build a team; you just show up! You don’t have to source training, insurance, equipment or work out what best practice to follow; just listen and join in. You don’t even have to find people to serve; most established missions have lots of contacts already.

George Bernard Shaw once said, “Imitation is not just the sincerest form of flattery – it’s the sincerest form of learning.”  Perhaps you don’t need to innovate, but to identify what is good and learn by joining in. A small regular commitment from you could change lives forever.

What is going on in your town or city? Who is doing great gospel work that you could be part of?

Pray: Lord, thank you for those already ministering your love in my community. Please show me where I could contribute. Amen!

Previously: Launch Pad #34  Hold a Sports Outreach Event!

Next: Launch Pad #36  Host a Film and discussion evening