Launch Pad 39: Organise a Café Event

“Right, what’ll it be, love?” asked the server behind the counter. I went with my regular – a cappuccino, with chocolate. Always with the chocolate. Just ahead of me there had been a young lady with bright pink hair who ordered some exotic concoction I’d never thought of trying. Next in line stood an elderly lady – from her accent I assumed she was Nigerian. I was passed my drink and as I spun round to make my way to the train I almost collided with a chap in a fine business suit – his shining brown brogues carried him out of my path with surprising skill. I paused before making my way out the door, and looking around I was struck by not only the number of people at this glorious little oasis that is the humble café, but also by the diversity of people passing through. It reminded me of looking on at the variety of creatures that descend on a watering hole in the African savannah on a hot day – a neutral venue where everyone gets along for a little while (well, almost everyone).

One of the most difficult things for someone who is not a Christian to do is to walk into a church for some event they’ve been invited to. As Christian we can often forget this simple but important fact because we’re so comfortable there. But for many, the idea of going into a church could fill them with trepidation, and can legitimately be something that puts them off attending an event. For that simple reason alone, holding an evangelistic event at a café can be a great way to get around the apprehension.

Cafés are places that most of us are not only familiar with, but also very comfortable in – a great neutral venue – a modern watering hole. So why not consider arranging a speaker and hosting an evangelistic event in a neutral venue like a café? Doing this will remove what may be an unnecessary stumbling block for those we are trying to share the gospel with, and also provide a great setting for an event. Read more about how to do this here,  and more practically, here.

Prayer: ‘Lord, please help me identify a good location for an evangelistic event, and grant me favour in being able to connect with them and secure the venue”.

Previously: Launch Pad #38 Use Local Media

Next: Launch Pad #40 A ‘Light Party’ Halloween Alternative