Launch Pad 49: Host a Course like Alpha or Christianity Explored

With interest surging in spiritual matters generally, and Christianity in particular, it’s a great time to consider running a ‘seekers course’, like Alpha or Christianity Explored. These create the ideal setting for people to meet informally over food and explore more about what Christianity is. Guests can experience Christian hospitality and community, ask their questions and contribute their ideas too. These courses also give people the opportunity to respond to Jesus themselves, without any pressure or expectation. Over the years, countless people, who were not yet ready to go to church, have found them a safe place in which to encounter Jesus.

Gordy, who has run both CE and Alpha said: “The beauty of these courses is that if you can operate a TV you can run a course, it is so simple!” Both CE and Alpha offer straightforward advice on using their materials. He says that running them regularly is a great way to make sure that when anyone is interested in Jesus there’s always something to invite them to! He loves handing out invites at the parent and toddler groups, Christmas services and community BBQs the church hosts.

One woman asked her local church if she could have her baby baptised. They are a Baptist Church who don’t baptise infants, but rather than turn her away, they invited her to Alpha as a way of exploring the meaning of Christianity. A year later, after putting her faith in Christ, she was baptised and her daughter was dedicated!

Hosting a course is a commitment of time, prayer and hospitality but the evenings you invest could be ones that God uses to change someone’s life—for eternity! Some people feel at ease in a home, others in a church, others in a café, so be flexible. Get the materials, get praying and invite people to come.  As well as Alpha, Gordy’s church is also planning the Hope Explored course—a short, three-week course to invite the people they connect with at Christmas to come to. Likewise, when one Alpha group bonded closely but weren’t ready for church, they stayed together and did the Discipleship Explored course!

Pray: Lord, use us to reach people with the good news of Jesus. Help me to use the best resources and hospitality to love, welcome and introduce people to you. Amen

Previously: Launch Pad #48 Run a Creative Outreach Event

Next: Launch Pad #50 A Christmas Gift-wrapping Service