All over the country Christians are finding interesting, creative and engaging ways to share their faith in Jesus Christ. The main gathering of the church on a Sunday morning is always a hugely important thing, but our witness doesn’t stop there! In the great commission in Matthew 28, Jesus emphasises that the mission of the church is to ‘go’ into all the world to tell of Him!
But how?
The truth is that while there is only one gospel, and that will never change; there are countless ways of going about sharing it with others – and still more for creating an environment in which such conversations can naturally occur.
Launch Pad is a series of 52 very short articles, each of which features a different way in which some Christians are going about sharing their faith – that’s one a week for a whole year! Every one is based on a true story, of someone we know or have interviewed for the series. In each case people where excited to share with us (and you!) what they had tried, what they had learned and what was effective! Launch Pad ideas here range from small-scale ideas for starting spiritual conversations to themes event around Christmas or Easter, with all kinds of things in between.
Here is one page that links to the entire series – a great little resource, and repository of evangelistic ideas for you and your church to try. Have a good look through, choose an idea that could work where you are, and give it a go. Let us know how you get on!