Dissident Dialogue: Richard Dawkins versus Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Ultimately, they agreed to disagree on many things, but perhaps their most important shared message was that the world is facing an ongoing battle for the hearts and minds of its people. While it can sometimes feel like the different sides are shouting at each other from across a divide, Ali’s experience is a reminder that even the most strident advocates can change their mind. That is why discussing the big questions of life will always remain both a vital and rewarding exercise. Indeed, the outcome of debates like this will shape the very future of humanity – for better or worse.

GLO Mini Bible School

One of my passions is that students don’t come to Bible College and just think about highfaluting ideas but also think through how to take what they have learned of the wonderful truths of the gospel and engage the world around them with those. So, it was really good to be able to equip them with some really practical tools for conversation. H

University Mission – Special Solas Report

As the university mission season comes to an end, I spoke to Andy Bannister and Steve Osmond about their experiences on campuses from Canterbury to Glasgow, and many in between. We talked about mission today, working with students, UCCF, Christianity and Islam and more. Andy reflected on the changing nature of mission in the UK over the years. Steve talked about doing his first ever mission on a campus here. It’s an encouraging conversation and gives some insight into the kind of work that Solas does.

Café Style Evangelism Next Steps

. If a local group like a church brings people into their establishment, it guarantees them a profitable day because the community group are effectively drumming up trade for the venue. In Blairgowrie the owners of the hotel venue were keen to describe themselves as atheists but were more than happy to host the event.

Why Am I Not A Muslim?

Aren’t all religions, especially the “Abrahamic faiths,” basically the same? In this slightly-less-short Short Answers film, Solas Director Andy Bannister (who is unusual in that he’s a Christian but has a PhD in Islamic Studies) explains why although he respects…

Andy Bannister

Andy is the Director of Solas and is a highly in-demand speaker, writer, and broadcaster. From universities to churches, cafes to pubs, schools to workplaces, Andy regularly addresses audiences of both Christians and those of all faiths and none on issues relating…

Ethics, Comparative Religion and ‘The Problem of Evil’ at Bede’s School

“We had a really blessed time at St Bede’s school. I had the opportunity to take lessons on Am I Just My Brain? with sixth formers. In one lesson, a student began to see during the lesson that there was a lot more to human identity that he’d initially realized. This student then proceeded to come to many of the lunchtime/evening talks. St Bede’s is quite a secular environment but also one where several students were asking the big questions of life. It was a privilege and joy to be there.” – Dr Sharon Dirckx

Encouraging times with Trinity Church, London

Trinity is a very missional church, which is really serious about helping people outside their membership to see Jesus and the answers he provides to the questions of life and eternity. In fact, the words “sceptics welcome” is one of the first things you will see if you visit their website. Week by week they engage with many people, through leafleting, coffee wagons in Trafalga Square and many other ways of reaching out. They result is that they have become a church that looks like the diversity of the city in which they serve – and wonderful place for Andy and Stefan to serve for the weekend.