A Beginner’s Guide to the Argument from Goodness

We don’t always agree about just which things are good or evil in a given situation, but there does appear to be universal acknowledgement that some things really are good, and some things really are evil. In other words, humans just are profoundly moral. Why is this? Where does the phenomenon of morality come from? And why does it seem to be hard-wired into us? The argument from ‘good’, or the moral argument, claims that the best explanation for morality is the existence of God.

Book: Dominion by Tom Holland

This is an astounding book, not only for its scope – cultural, political, social, intellectual, historical – and its originality, but for its masterly writing. Holland has a knack for the colourful twist. Writing of the summer of love, 1967, he notes: “Preachers, seen through the marijuana haze of a squat in San Francisco, had the look of bigots. Where was the love in short-haired men jabbing their fingers and going puce?”

Why Is The Bible Full of Laws?

In a culture whose highest values are often autonomy and liberal democracy, the bible’s many ethical commands – especially Old Testament laws on things like food and clothing – can seem both arbitrary and oppressive. In this Short Answers video,…