Andy Bannister on Premier Radio

Andy Bannister was interviewed on Premier Radio’s “The Leadership File” programme recently. In the programme which you can hear here, Andy talks in some detail about how he got involved in Christian ministry, and his particular interest in sharing his faith in Christ with Muslims – and how he picked up a PhD in Islamic Studies along the way.

Book: Neither Bomb nor Bullet – Benjamin Kwashi, Archbishop on the Front Line

Kwashi himself has had his churches and family home attacked, his wife brutally assaulted, and many parishoners killed. While he has led a global movement in Anglicanism (GAFCON), attended Lambeth Conferences, and spoken to Presidents – he seems far more moved when ordinary African folk respond to his preaching and put their faith in Jesus

11 BBC Interviews in 90 Minutes… Hope and the End of the World!

the BBC were looking for someone to speak on all the Sunday Morning BBC local radio shows across the UK. They particularly wanted to talk about Christianity and the environment, but the starting point was “The End of the World” and the family in Holland who had been living in a cellar for seven years, afraid that the end of the world was coming.

Yuval Noah Harari’s ‘Sapiens’ and ‘Homo Deus’ – a depressing view of our Humanity

BY SARAH ALLEN – Harari’s rejection of meaning offers no hope for this chaos, but unintentionally points us in the right direction.   We humans desperately need meaning because we are cooperating and communicating persons made in the image of the personal three-in-one God.   We need to know that our values of love and justice and our feelings of pain and compassion are not part of a lifeless algorithm, or a convenient myth, but have significance beyond our brain chemistry