Spotlight on Defending Your Faith

5 Steps to Answering Tough Questions

“My pastor was totally dismissive. He looked at me and said ‘It’s really easy son. Choose the Bible or choose biology. Next question please’… I chose biology.”

This heart-wrenching story of a Canadian student who lost his faith struck Andy Bannister deeply. Disillusioned, the student thought the Church offered no real answers to his struggles. That’s why we must take objections seriously—and with Andy’s five-step approach, we can tackle even the toughest questions head-on

Philosopher Vince Vitale shares 4 ways of viewing the world that persuaded him that God exists. 

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Key arguments for God: A Beginner’s Guide

What are the strongest arguments for God and why are they persuasive? The ‘Beginner’s Guide to Apologetics’ is here to help!

Read more about the cases from philosophy, science, history, mathematics and many more fields. 

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How do we know if it’s true?

“If you look around there’s so many competing ideas: different religions, different worldviews, different truth claims. How do we actually test what is true?” 

Other resources

Does God Exist?

Philosopher William Lane Craig explains in detail a case for God’s existence. 

14 Arguments for God in 1 Minute

Andy gives a quick summary of the many key arguments for believing in God. 

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Will you help produce more resources to help Christians defend their faith?

Will you stand with Solas as we seek to help empower Christians to be able share the good news of Jesus persuasively?  We speak at evangelistic events, as well as helping to train Christians to share their faith more effectively.

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