Are you involved with your Christian Union at university? The Solas team have spoken on dozens of university campuses across the UK, as well as further afield in Europe, the USA and Canada.

Whether it’s helping a Christian Union or campus group organise an event — perhaps a lunchtime talk or evening outreach event — or taking part in a larger dialogue or debate event on campus, the Solas team love engaging with students.

We also regularly contribute to university missions / events weeks so if you are planning your mission week and need a speaker, fill out the form at the link below.

I have had some really encouraging feedback from CU members about the night and I’ve certainly found it helpful thinking about the importance of answering the questioner rather than just the question! Big thanks from us…

President, Cambridge Inter-Collegiate Christian Union

We loved having Steve! He did a brilliant job using the discussion format, was fab in Q&A times at lunchtimes and was just a wonderful cheerful presence around all the students.… He was so keen to adapt, and understand more of both university culture in general and St Andrews specifically.  I’ll be recommending that CUs ask him next year again for sure.

Esther Dickson, Scotland Region Team Leader, UCCF

And if you’re looking for resources for a mission week, check out Solas’s book, Have You Ever Wondered? Featured as a main-stage recommendation at the 2024 UCCF Forum event, it’s a brilliant (and economical!) give-away book ideal for starting conversations on campus.